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Monday, 1 February 2016

How does Failure Teaches Us To Win Battles of Life

teachings from failures are never forgoten and pays back in life
Failure as we call it, is nothing but the stepping stones to Success.

Converting the failures in your favor is something that if learned can make you successful in your life. Yes the real success is not the money or the frame or the last thing you want to do, it is the knowledge that you have after you have faced the failure.

Many people have the belief that a person who failed in his carrier is useless and cannot accomplish his goals. But they forget that now that very person knows that how can you avoid failing next time. He can teach a new person how to succeed in one attempt. While the person who didn’t fail have only limited knowledge since he didn’t worked the second time on the same subject.

Every person has to taste the harsh failure once in his life. It is upon him how he looks towards his goals and ambitions after that failure. He may choose to change the aim, may get depressed and may lose hope, or he may fight back with more efforts and knowledge. Failure is a way life teaches us the various important lessons that will help you survive in the near future when the others won’t be able to. There is always a reason why you fail. Find out that reason and nobody can stop you from winning the next time. No one is perfect so some fails at early stages while some at the later. It is fine to fail early and try harder to get success the next time, but if fails on a later stage it is difficult to recover. So never get disappointed and depressed with the fact that you failed. Start it over again with more thrust and energy and let the success reach you.

courage to start again is what you need to get success

The taste of success is sweeter when it is achieved after failure. The struggle you do to reach your goal and achieve the very prize you wanted is something that doubles your celebrations.

If the success was achieved in one go then surely the aim was not the correct aim. Yes it means you are meant for something bigger than this.

Imagine a life without failure. You asked for something and you got it in first attempt. Would you value such a possession? Would you celebrate it? NO because you knew you will achieve it. There is no point celebrating it. Moreover we value those things which are achieved with great difficulty and hard work.

Never bounce too much on success and never get too depressed with failure. With time everything changes. It is just a matter of time that you are on the other side of the bridge.

At some point of time in life you will realize that the failure that happened with you was for a reason and that very reason make you alive today.

Once failure has hit you hard, you can then make more firm decisions and lead a life more confidently because you know that at any moment of life you can start your carrier again and nothing can stop you since you have already tasted the failure and you know your week points which you won’t repeat again.

Failures shape you in some way or the other. Polishing your skills make you better and improves your intelligence.

Face your failures. Don’t try to run away from it. People start smoking, alcohol and many other addictions that soon destroy their entire life. Everyone goes through this phase of depression at some point of time in his life. Rather than going into depression for a long time start chasing your dreams again, even if you fail the first time. The value of diamond increases when it is better polished. Increase your value the same way.

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